Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7th...

Letter U/"Uh So Sad" sound

Today was UPSIDE DOWN DAY here at Little Readers! The kids had a good time noticing all the "upside down" things in the classroom. Some they caught on to right away, in fact before circle time had even started I caught a couple of the kids "helping" me out and fixing things that had been turned upside down in the Circle Time Chart. Other things were less noticeable and the kids discovered them as our lesson developed.

Our Morning classes made "UGLY" pictures to take home to Mom and Dad! We basically gave them free reign with the arts and crafts material and let them build whatever they pleased. Kids love to be in on little jokes and we told them that their Mom's were probably going to tell them how CUTE there pictures were and then they would have the opportunity to look horrified and tell them that they were actually VERY UGLY PICTURES! They couldn't wait!

Our Afternoon classes got to mix Upside Down Day with our UMBRELLA theme (of last week). We got to paint using our breath and straws today. The kids loved blowing through their straws and watching the watery blue paint (aka rain) spread across the paper. Then we decorated our umbrellas and added them (along with our straw, as the handle) to get the finished product!

We read "Mr. Funny" by Roger Hargreaves today.

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